Friday, July 29, 2011

LA Day 2: Universal Studios & Amoeba Records

So if you read the first post you'll know I got to bed last night at 2 am, woke up today at 1 pm. Felt pretty great after my 11 hours sleep. We got straight into day 2! I realise this might be a bit intense posting every day, but I want to try and document as much of this trip as possible and get into a rhythm of posting when I'm doing cool things.. at the moment we're doing cool things everyday! Yeow!

We wasted no time in getting going on our day. We started with lunch at a legit american diner called patys

It reminded me of the time i had a grilled cheese sandwich in New Zealand from dennys..

It was pretty disappointing in NZ but pretty impressive in US.. Maybe its because the NZ one was from Denny's in Albany ahaha

After Lunch we hit Universal studios! We didn't go in the theme park, but we cruised around all the stuff there. Check it out!

Me being a ninja, and Cody being a Lion
Us being cool with our new band tees from hot topic
 Cody's about to get slapped in the face by King Kong
 Me rocking out shamelessly under the giant hard rock flame stratocaster hahaha

Us by the universal sign, I got Australia right between my arms
 Me and Bianca
Then we cruised back to the apartment, here's a shot of me looking cool with my new ramones tee
We shot out again for my highlight of the day.. AMOEBA RECORDS!!
Snapped this pic outside capitol records on the way
Then we got to amoeba!
 Search is on!
 Search some more..
 Got it!
 Happy shoppers
First catch.. Smiths, Girls and Dylan

Then the tastiest, cheapest, most legit mexican food ever for dinner! Poquito Mas

Another epic day in LA! Heading to San Fransisco tomorrow! YEOW!

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