From this straight path runs for aaaaages, right through the park and beyond..
was so sick with the skyline in the background
old mate George Washington
This here is commonwealth ave, the path i pointed out before continues down here for ages, it's a really pretty walk, there's the most amazing houses either side and the trees that line it are so sick.
I walked for ages down Commonwealth Ave and eventually found my way to the Berklee campus. Man, this was sick! It's spread out like the Auckland Uni campus around a downtown area. But the whole area has obviously been really influenced by the campus. Every little snippet of conversation I heard from people walking by was either about songwriting, old rock and roll bands, guitar pedals, jazz modes etc etc. I felt very much at home. I had a little nosey round the buildings but couldn't really get too far into it without feeling super weird and out of place. It was just really inspiring even to be in the area you know. For some reason not all my photos from this area came out.. something wrong with my camera.. sucks! either way, here's the ones that did come out. This was one of the smaller buildings (impressive huh) ha
saw this humorous piece of work by the giant saxophone
This was one of my favorite parts of the day, found a killer record store between two berklee buildings, with this super rad/crazy old dude who obviously knew a thing or two about rock and roll (mainly from experience I think) .. I asked him if they had any records by the sonics, I've been trying to find sonics records but even re issues are so hard to come by, we ended up talking/he ended up telling me stories for a good hour.. he knows EVERYTHING about bands. He made a few (literally about 10) recommendations of records I'd never heard of, and that were never released in NZ, so I could get some stuff that I'd never find back home. I ended up spending 25 bucks on 3 records. They were having their first sale in 33 and 1/3 years of business, the sale was 33 and a 1/3 off everything in the store. pretty clever! So anyways I got a 72 rarities album from the who, a record by Blues Magoos, this band from the bronx who helped to kickstart psychedelic music, and then a Them record. Very cool. Oh yeah, and I found a Split Enz record haha kinda cool finding it in boston.
Made my way back to the hotel and met the guys. We chilled for a bit then went out on another mission round the city, we really just wandered about, found some good food, a cool tavern, enjoyed another round of Samuel Adams, and now just taking it easy before New York tomorrow morning. Will have to figure out my camera before then!